Statler’s Letter to Chief O’Toole


Attached is my letter signed by both Tom Grant and Dr. Cyril Wecht which I sent to Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole along with a DVD of Soaked In Bleach on March 30th of this year. Also attached is their response letter dated April 12th which gave me reason to wait for their “further review and follow up”. I’ve now been waiting patiently for over 4 months for a “follow up”. While I am still looking forward to them doing the right thing and following up regarding what I had offered and requested in my letter, given the time lapse, I now feel it is appropriate to share this publicly. -Benjamin Statler






Re-posted with permission





Let’s discuss the new class of “ignorance” trying to make it’s rounds around the internet. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. It;s a group of – very small group – of people who are hell bent om trying to discredit Tom Grant and Benjamin Statler.

It’s roused nothing. Why? It’s hard to debunk facts even when you have one or two people the world would consider “credible” Like Krist Novoselic being of the opinion Kurt committed suicide. Or Vernon Geberth who was featured in the film Soaked In Bleach stating he believed Kurt actually committed suicide.

Krist stated years back that when something bad happens some people will try to make excuses (ex: Kurt was murdered) because they can’t cope with the fact he actually killed himself. Well, one could also argue that some people will cling to suicide because they can’t cope with the fact he was actually KILLED. So that goes both ways. The facts still remain a dead man can not pull a trigger. When you’re unconscious you can’t shoot yourself.

Vernon Geberth – This one was really taken, and ran with by the small amount of people trying to discredit Tom Grant. Geberth came out recently stating he thought Kurt committed suicide, and he stated that very opiniion in the film Soaked in Bleach, but it was edited out. (Note, he was offered the chance to be interviewed to clear the matter up and he was adamant  he did not want to cooperate in any way. Unedited, and full on “say what you want to say”  He declined)

Here’s the issue with Geberth being upset his opinion was edited out: Geberth was asked to give his expert opinion, for the movie Soaked In Bleach, on the Kurt Cobain investigation done by the Seattle Police Department on April 8th 1994. His opinion was the investigation should have been handled better. There were things that were done incorrectly. His book ‘Practical Homicide Investigation’ was also shown in the film Soaked In Bleach, it has been used by FBI as a “handbook” for Homicide Investigations. BOOK

Point being he was asked to give his expert opinion on the investigation, not on his opinion about suicide or murder. It doesn’t matter that he thinks Kurt committed suicide. That opinion is his RIGHT to believe as he wishes. No one is faulting him for that, however that isn’t why he was in the film, and it wasn’t about his personal opinion on suicide, or murder it was about the INVESTIGATION being handled inappropriately.

Therefore Geberth thinking Kurt killed himself has no bearing on other facts that line up showing there was foul play involved in Kurt’s death. It has no relevance on the investigation being botched, and ruled a suicide in haste.

It is a moot point.

Those involved in trying to discredit Tom Grant are grabbing at what seems to be big news/ticket information, and trying to use it as a means to find flaw, fault, and problems with the evidence, and facts Tom Grant has found over 20+ years. It falls flat.

Dr. Cyril Wecht is an American forensic pathologist. He has been a consultant in numerous high-profile cases. Who has been involved in thousands of autopsies stated the case needed to be reopened because the amount of heroin in Kurt’s system was suspicious. He also stated the rush to conclude it was suicide in one day raised red flags as well.

SO we have Geberth stating the investigation wasn’t handled in the best manner, Cyril stating there’s several things questionable about Cobain’s death, and Krist who wasn’t there, and has his own opinion.

Using Krist’s opinion, and Geberth’s opinion fails to discredit Tom Grant.

Those that have “banded together” online to try, and discredit Tom, Ben, Cyril etc aren’t just giving their opinions, they have stated their goal is to  discredit Tom Grant. This isn’t a group simply giving their opinion Kurt Cobain committed suicide, which in itself, is fine. These are a few people who have a vendetta.

A person/group doesn’t launch daily verbal attack on a grown man / men on Twitter, FB, Tumblr, Instagram with harassing remarks, and quite near death threats when they only are of the opinion Kurt Cobain committed suicide. There is no need to ridicule, and harass. They would be confident enough in THEIR opinions, and FACTS having no need, or desire trying veraciously to drag anyone through the mud.

Actions are louder than words, and it’s clear and transparent as to their game plan. They have stated, and admitted their goal is to discredit Tom Grant. They DID NOT say, or state their goal is to only prove Kurt Cobain committed suicide.

Basically the #soakedinbullshit  over the net is just that. Bullshit. It’s a smear campaign against Tom Grant, Benjamin Statler, and the film Soaked In Bleach.(as per their own admittance)

It is NOT to bring attention to the suicide theory.

Once again, a group of people are doing this for the wrong reason which only disrespects truthful individuals who are brave enough to take a stand, and more importantly they are disrespecting, and hurting Kurt Cobain.


::Mic Drop::

Good from SPD??

No one has any idea why the Seattle Police department has released photos of the shotgun that killed Kurt Cobain, other than CBS news requesting information to dispel rumors he was murdered.

There hasn’t been any statement from the Seattle Police department and many people are left to wonder what SPD’s intention was, and thus far it appears to be their answer to Soaked In Bleach the movie.  Let’s take a look.

When news that Soaked in Bleach was on it’s way to being made/filmed Detective Ciesynski and the SPD decided to release new photos in 2014. He stated he looked back over the information, and he still concluded it was suicide.

It was reported on March 17, 2016 the photos released of Detective Ciesynski holding the gun were taken in June 2015. Shortly after the movie Soaked in Bleach was released. Some eight months ago.

Without any further information it appears this is/was a direct attempt to discredit Tom Grant, and ANYONE who feels Kurt’s demise was anything other than suicide. WHY?

The general public has been led to believe the gun was turned over to Courtney Love. She stated she would melt the gun down/give it to Mothers Against Violence. The Seattle Police never refuted her statements, and for 22 years the world thought the weapon had been turned over to her. The Seattle Police let everyone believe this for over 20 years.

Soaked In Bleach was released June 2015, the photos of Detective Ciesynski holding the weapon were taken shortly after the movie release. It appears to be an attempt to discredit Tom Grant, Benjamin Statler, and the experts involved in the film. In other words a big “F  U ”  “See…you were wrong about the weapon, and if you’re wrong about this one thing how many other things are you wrong about?” (obviously not much)

I’m not saying this is the SPD’s reason for doing this, but it sure appears they are once again trying to spin things, and throw intelligent peoples from all over the world into one lump category of “Crazy conspiracy nuts”  when in fact, if anyone takes a look at the evidence – MINUS the fact the gun wasn’t melted down, you still see questions that need answers in the death of Kurt Cobain.

Former Chief of police Norm Stamper, and Dr. Cyril Wecht surely aren’t  conspiracy nuts. Neither are Vernon Geberth , Vincent Di Maio, and the other admired professionals, and experts who came forward to give their insights in the movie Soaked In Bleach.

At this point the SPD’s actions once again leave room to assume their intentions are trying to manipulate the public into thinking Kurt committed suicide. Just another way to spin information. “Look, here’s the SUICIDE gun.” They had 22 years to state they had the weapon all along, but when the heat came up from Soaked In Bleach they had to do something. Once in 2014 when they knew the movie was coming, and once again after it’s release.

Detective Ciesynski is shown holding the gun with gloves on as if he’s going out hunting, and is proud to show off his newest fire arm. (Never mind that he could have placed it on a table to be photographed ensuring his own clothing fibers, and hairs were kept to a minimum yet its been 22 years so who gives a rats ass)

Things SPD has now done?

1. Everyone gets a better look at the weapon, and it’s made clear it’s too long for Kurt to have pulled the trigger.

2. SPD Confirmed Courtney Love lied.

Do they realize they have done this? That’s right. They have!  (Too bad they didn’t do it 22 years ago. It may not have taken as long) but whoa! They certainly have given us more than they may know. So the truth of this release is not that Tom Grant is unreliable, but confirms what we’ve known all along. Courtney lied, and the weapon couldn’t have been fired as Hartshorne, and others want everyone to believe.

That’s not nuts folks. It’s fact. The conspiracy theory that Kurt Cobain’s shotgun was melted down did not originate from Tom Grant or Soaked In Bleach. It came from Courtney Love.

It’s my hope that the SPD has not tried to discredit anyone, and that I along with many others are wrong about their intentions. It would be wonderful if this was the  beginning of something good….but trust has to be earned. Without an official statement we only have assumptions of their actions, but oh what they’ve shown us.

Thank you Seattle Police department, and Detective Ciesynski!


New Shotgun Photos #

Here I am trying to take a little online vacation from the blog and BOOM. Photos of the shotgun (presumably) that killed Kurt Cobain get released.

Wasn’t it given back to Courtney? Melted down? Given to Mother’s against violence or something like that?

Actually they stated The release of the shotgun photos (March 17, 2016) — in response to a public records act request from CBS News — dispels a rumor propagated by conspiracy theorists that the shotgun had been melted down to hide evidence in a supposed police cover-up of a potential murder. However many remain convinced the evidence in the case points to foul play.

(Also Det. Ciesynski is due to retire this year)

KEEP IN MIND – CBS NEWS asked about this. PUBLIC RECORDS ACT REQUEST. The “conspiracy theorists” only reported what has been TOLD. Courtney took the weapon because the police department gave it back to her. This shows that Courtney lied – as usual.



What THEY Spin. Kurt Cobain


Media Spin. Kurt Cobain. You only see what they want you to see. The above graphic (repeated at the end of the blog post) that I added, is a graphic of how information gets skewed, spun, and twisted in the media. Just a slight deviation from the truth, and the masses are led to believe something that if they were shown the big picture the truth would become clear.


Read a Facebook update from Soaked In Bleach – The Movie.




RT, share on FB



#1 Question From Cobain Fans

I had to address this because I’m asked at least 10 times a day over the last few weeks. The number 1 question that I get asked is:

Q. “My question is how will the police or any other law enforcement get enough pressure to change Kurt’s death from suicide to undetermined just with millions of people watching Soaked in Bleach if the police aren’t aware of how many people have seen the movie, and people that have watched the movie don’t say something or do something to show public outcry?”
A. The simple answer is, social networking. The Seattle Police department have publicly stated they are aware of how many tweets talk about reopening the Cobain case. That means they do pay attention. Since the movie was released the number of tweets talking about the movie, and the number of people becoming aware that Kurt was murdered has increased dramatically.
The Seattle Police are aware. The Seattle F.B.I. are aware.  It’s just impossible for them to ignore with communication, and awareness on the internet/social networks. This is why it’s important to get the word out by tweeting, re-tweeting, sharing on Facebook, and other forms of social media.

Here are some things you can do on twitter:
1. When you post about soaked in bleach make sure you put @SeattlePD at the end of your tweet. It tags them.(be polite not rude to them!)
2. Re-Tweet other tweets that mention watching soaked in bleach.
3. Share articles, and information about Soaked in Bleach on Facebook.
4.Stay informed about the best way to help. At this point it’s all about getting Soaked in Beach EVERYWHERE.
5. Realize it’s not going to be super fast. All things take time, and 2015 was when SIB was released. We’re not even a year out from it’s release.
6. Don’t get involved in any event, or movement that isn’t legitimate, or is formed on emotions. Things must be done the correct way.
7. Be consistent with your tweets and re-tweets. If you only tweet about SIB or Re-tweet someones tweet twice a day that’s GREAT!
8. Be polite, but matter of fact. Ex tweet:  Watched #soakedinbleach the movie. Kurt Cobain didn’t commit suicide! @SeattlePD

Above all be patient, things are moving. Right now it’s all about creating the news (spreading information about Soaked In Bleach)and please be respectful and polite to law officials, and others.  Hate won’t get anything accomplished.


Interview with Benjamin Statler

Benjamin Statler is as bold a director of docudrama as can get. With his film Soaked In Bleach, he not only poses the hypothesis that Kurt Cobain’s death was a homicide and not a suicide but begs the question – in not so many words – ‘Will a tough authority body like the Seattle Police Department ever admit it was wrong in such a prominent case?’

Interview by Antonino Tati


I’m guessing the making of this film has taken up the better part of your life over the past few years, Ben, but when did you actually decide to make a film about the last days of Kurt Cobain and why?

It’s been a pretty consuming project, for sure. When I first discovered Tom Grant’s website I was longing to see this mountain of objective facts about Kurt Cobain’s death to become known in the mainstream. I learned about Tom Grant through Nick Broomfield’s movie Kurt & Courtney which I saw around 1998. I discovered Tom’s website shortly after I saw Nick’s movie.


I must say, your film is very artfully made, from the clarity of the sequence of news quotes in the opening, right into the first re-enactment of the dark and dreary night before Kurt’s death… As a docudrama, were there moments in the making of it where you thought, hang on a minute, there’s a little too much drama being presented here and I need to pull back and make it more documentary-like?

No, not at all. Docudrama is certainly the appropriate genre name for this film. The documentary part – the interviews with the world’s most qualified forensic experts – was meant to serve the purpose of objectively addressing the key elements in the investigation around Kurt’s death. The dramatic recreations were meant to flesh out the context of how Tom Grant’s investigation played out as he dealt with Courtney Love, Dylan Carlson, Rosemary Carroll, and the Seattle Police Department. We based the dialogue of these recreations very tightly to the actual audio recordings and other artefacts collected from Tom Grant’s investigation.


The gist of the film is that the death of Kurt Cobain could have been designed to look like a suicide when it might actually have been a homicide. When did you – as a follower of pop culture – begin entertaining this theory?

Nick Broomfield’s movie got my attention, but I actually didn’t begin to seriously entertain the theory until I dove into Tom Grant’s website.


What would be one or more motives for an individual or party to want to see Kurt Cobain dead?



03. Soaked

The film details the events leading up to Kurt’s death, but as seen through the perspective of Tom Grant, the private detective hired by Courtney Love to find Cobain shortly before he was found dead. Do you think viewers might be concerned of any bias or distrust in Grant’s perspective? After all, he was initially paid by Love to start with…

I appreciated Tom being available to share his perspective. I believe most people will appreciate that his perspective has always been backed by actual audio recordings and now the perspectives of the most qualified forensic experts in the world. I invited Courtney Love to be interviewed for the film and to share her perspective. She never responded to the invitation.


Did Courtney or her lawyers try to stop you from making this film? Were there any notices of cease-and-desist coming directly from them to you?

Yes.  I received cease and desist letters from Courtney Love’s lawyers after I released the first trailer for Soaked In Bleach in April of 2014.


02. Soaked

A fair amount of documentary footage, as well as interview footage with people associated with the case, have been incorporated into the film. Was it difficult getting clearance to use this footage?

Legal rights and clearances [were] certainly a big part of making this film.


Do you think the film has had fair critique on citizen journalist review sites such as Rotten Tomatoes? I hear that there have been attempts by certain parties to sabotage its reputation with low scores being given even before the film had been viewed?

There was an article on Reddit addressing how ratings sabotage for Soaked In Bleach was the most blatant ever. IMDb had about 1,000 votes of 1 out of 10 before the movie was even released. I believe for the user ratings on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes the problem was addressed and all of the fake votes that didn’t even have real emails were deleted. As for the critics ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, I have to say I find it very unprofessional and irresponsible that they would let reviews count that don’t even mention the world-renowned forensic experts which make up about 50% of the film, much less the actual conclusion of the movie which is simply that the Kurt Cobain death investigation needs to be reopened.


Who would want to hide the message that this film is trying to portray, and why would they be wanting to hide this information?

Let’s all furrow our brows and rub our chins and think really hard.


03 Soaked @2x

Suffice to say, the Seattle Police Department might be embarrassed to have to revisit the case again. With an authority body such as the SPD, which has a reputation of being brutally forceful, were you ever paranoid in the making of this film; that someone might be after your head?

Through the years I was warned by various people to be careful based on the history of certain people. I’m not paranoid though.


Would you say the bottom line of the film is that is suggests a re-opening of the investigation into Kurt Cobain’s death?



Finally, what other music documentaries would you consider Soaked In Bleach to be in good company of; documentary films that you’ve admired that you feel are similar to it?

I can appreciate the tendency to categorise Soaked In Bleach as a music documentary as it involves Kurt Cobain, however, in truth, it’s an investigative docudrama. Some of my favourite documentaries that have influenced and inspired me are Jiro Dreams Of Sushi, Inside Job, Searching For Sugar Man, The Imposter, The Fog Of War, and more recently Citizenfour.


SOURCE: Creme Mag:


Responsibility & Respect

A wedge can be detrimental.


My reason for this post is to draw attention to a subject that needs addressing. Division between fans, and people waiting, and wanting to see the Cobain case decision of suicide amended to undetermined, and after its changed, reopened. Is that you? Read on.

Ask yourself this question: “How do we know things don’t add up to suicide?”  “Where did we get our information from?” “What is the best way to bring justice to this case?”

When it comes to being active, and bringing awareness to the fact that Kurt Cobain didn’t commit suicide there are thousands of people who feel they need to do something. They want to shout it loud, and clear. They have a voice, “Get things done!” There is power in numbers. That is true. There is power in numbers. The more people unify, the better they are heard.

It’s been 22 years and although it has been a long while, and people are impatient to see change, we have to realize that 22 years, unfortunately, isn’t that long of a time in any case similar to the Cobain case. There are cases solved 40+ years after the fact. Only recently have we been given something that IS benefiting this case. A HUGE something. Public awareness on a large-scale. That something is Soaked In Bleach. Which brings me to the heart of this post.


We can not do anything that will succeed if we divide as fans, and/or those interested in seeing this case resolved. For months I have witnessed outright disrespect between the fans, fighting among each other on social media because some feel the best way to get the case reopened is different from another group. Examples range from contacting only SPD, to contacting just the Seattle FBI, but there is something else that I’ve read.

The open, and complete disrespect for the very person that found, and gave this information to the public is disgusting. Without that first step, we’d have nothing. Nothing. That person who decided to do the RIGHT thing, decided to even take the job, was Tom Grant. HE made it possible.

I have heard people state, “I owe it to Tom Grant for getting the information out there, but he’s not doing anything about it now so I’m not waiting on him.”  “Anyone that listens to Tom Grant, and respects what he says is like a Grant occult follower.” First off, shame on you for treating Mr. Grant, and other fans in that way. Degrading, disrespecting, and trying to humiliate anyone is wrong. Kurt Cobain said as much.

Let’s take a look;
1. “Tom Grant isn’t doing anything to help.”

A. Soaked In Bleach, current website, information updates as NEEDED. & you have absolutely NO idea what he might be doing behind the scenes to get things accomplished.  Presumptuous, and spoken out of ignorance.

2. “Following along with Tom Grant won’t get anything done.”

A. My answer to this, is if you have the people connections, evidence, and inside knowledge of how police departments, and how the law works, combined with the correct protocol of how to get things done by all means let’s hear it.

3. “I want an event to raise awareness.”
A. Contact / reach out those in the “know” about the case and find out if its something that will benefit, or if it will potentially harm the reopening. Sometimes the intentions are good, but the risks can outweigh the intentions.

4. “Nothing new! There’s not been one update to show the case is going anywhere.”
A. Cart before the horse.
 THE ONE THING going somewhere is a film that’s circulating WORLD WIDE! That’s awareness folks! That’s our tool to use. WE can bring awareness by supporting and spreading the word about that movie. It’s simple. The more people who know the greater the push when its TIME! We’ve waited 22 years for this. “What can we do? What can i do?”  There it is. Strength and power in Unity. SPREAD THAT MOVIE like it’s on fire! Unify in that movement and it’s setting everything else up that needs to happen in motion.

Now…who made that movie possible? Who else stepped in to fulfill it? Tom Grant, and Benjamin Statler.

For 22 years Tom Grant has worked this. The same man who said the name Kurt Cobain goes through his mind 300-400 times a day. Do you really think he’s going to give up? He’s proven he won’t. Sometimes we have to just trust. If there is anyone around this case to trust, it’s Tom Grant. As we trek on through this wait, look around to see the benefits to Kurt through what he has done. Those around Kurt speaking out now, a film, excitement building because it’s finally happening!

Tom Grant has proven to have an exemplary background both in career, and character. He has to this day, never lied, and never done anything to, or for the Cobain case for monetary gain.  (Neither has Benjamin Statler, but that’s a whole other post)

The division between fans, and people about the best way to do things is unnecessary. The way to get the ball rolling has been given.  Stop putting people down, stop fighting among yourselves. Give respect where it’s due. Be responsible, and accountable for how you treat others. Be gracious, and thankful for what you’ve come to know about the case, TRUST, and most importantly do this for Kurt. Unity is key.

“We can all do this, and together Kurt wins.”

RT & FB this




What CAN The Fans Do?? #cobaincase RT

There are many Kurt Cobain fans feeling frustrated at what they may be able to do to help reopen the case for Kurt Cobain.

It can be a very slow, long process to get a case reopened. For instance many cold cases being re investigated can sit for years opened while a detective works the case.

For the Kurt Cobain case, there are steps needed to make sure it’s done appropriately, and in the best way possible. Care needs to be taken to not rock the boat the wrong way.  This means strategy.

As fans and others wanting  to see this case reopened we have a great tool. A recent tool that is spreading like wild fire, and getting people to notice Kurt didn’t commit suicide.

A tool when used to its full power, especially in today’s world of social media, can and will make the difference.

Soaked In Bleach is that tool. This movie needs to be tweeted, and re tweeted, posted on Facebook, spread through emails etc.  It is a force of its own. It is what has been needed for over 20 years to start the reopening of the case.

There’s a lot of power people wield just letting the world KNOW about this film.

Remember those steps needed to get this case reopened the RIGHT way? This is one you can’t skip over.

No one knows what may be going on behind the scenes by individuals that have the means to get things moving, but we as fans, and concerned peoples wanting Justice for Kurt Cobain must be part of the workforce that brings this murder to everyone’s attention.

You can do that by taking the best tool given to us. and lighting it up everywhere. Soaked In Bleach has proven to be powerful, and eye opening.

The film is the fuel, we are the oxygen. Posting about it, tweeting it, talking about it is setting a fire. Do it and let it go wild, too bright to ignore. Too hot to put out.

Kurt will rise again out of the ashes, justice is coming

Please re tweet this post.


BEWARE Soaked In Bleach Reviews RT!


Be careful when you’re out on the internet reading reviews of Soaked In Bleach. It becomes quite obvious, sadly obvious, the majority of the bad reviews are by “authors” that haven’t watched the movie. I dare go as far to say, if they have watched it, and STILL gave it a review full of the words “nut-job”, “flimsy evidence” etc., it’s Courtney Love, or her team trying to discredit the film Soaked In Bleach.

Why do that? Why would Courtney go that far, and waste her time, and money? Don’t forget the money. Money talks shit walks. There’s money exchanging hands to get those bad reviews out there. This is a running pattern for Courtney Love. To try and sway opinions through the media. (Watching the movie Soaked In Bleach, one will actually hear her state she plants stories, and rumors in the media) how does one do that? Money.

Yet the good reviews you read are chalk full of information letting  a reader know the author did WATCH the film. They speak about things in the movie Soaked in Bleach one wouldn’t know without seeing the film. No need to pay off movie “critics” for a good review. Why? The film speaks for itself. Thousands of people who have watched this film aren’t dumb. They aren’t ignorant. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand something sketchy is at play with Kurt Cobain’s death. All it takes is watching the film, listening, and having a small bit of common sense.

Detective Tom Grant, and Benjamin Statler haven’t sugar coated anything. They haven’t added any false assumptions to this film. They did not SPECULATE, they provided all the information,things raising red flags, inconsistencies, and lies that Courtney Love has been caught in.

Nobody made up the facts, no body made Courtney Love lie about what she knew in 1994. No body wants Kurt Cobain to have been murdered, or to have committed suicide, but in this case the information doesn’t add up to suicide.
