Killing Yourself Twice – Magic!

You can’t kill yourself twice.


According to Anton Brookes, who was working with the Nirvana on their British press interviews as a publicist at the time, “I went up an hour beforehand to touch base with everyone and check whether everything was okay. [Today] it wasn’t. There was obviously a massive altercation going on between Kurt and Courtney. You don’t want to get involved in a husband and wife dispute…You could hear  odd things being smashed…I had to keep going between the rooms and the lobby, telling the journalists ‘It’ll happen, but everything’s kind of running late,'” Brookes told The Fly. Come the afternoon, “We realized we should go in. We went rushing into the bathroom and slumped behind the toilet was Kurt with a syringe in his arm, blue.”


See….when someone overdoses with heroin (injecting) most of the time they are found with the needle still in their arm (or injection site) There are some graphic examples of this on google image searches, and I won’t post those here, but remembering back to February 2014. Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose in his bathroom. Needle still in his arm.  Other addicts will wake up after injecting, and the needle will still be in their arm. Luckily they wake up right?

Before Kurt was murdered, apparently he too was found by Anton Brookes with the needle still in his arm.

So…hypothetically here. Kurt Cobain wants to commit suicide. Instead of taking a massive dose of heroin and going to sleep, never to wake up, he decided to take heroin (a lethal dose of it) and THEN shoot himself?

We are expected to believe he could still function after taking that lethal dose.  That dose would have rendered him unconscious in a matter of seconds. That means he wouldn’t have been able to even finish pushing the syringe to empty it. He would have been found with the needle in his arm. YET…

He put the caps back on the  syringes, and the syringes were put back in the cigar box, so was the spoon. He rolled down his sleeves. Picked up a shot-gun, positioned it, and pulled the trigger. He would have had to do all of this in less than 30 seconds. REMEMBER – he would have been unconscious by 15-30 seconds but how would he start to feel just 8 seconds after that amount of heroin? Woozy? Blurred vision? Lack of coordination? He also still had Valium(Diazepam) in his system.


Think about this. Have you ever had surgery? Were you given anything by IV or straight into a port (in your vein) to calm you down, or make you relaxed before surgery? I have. I had a little port in my left arm (at the elbow where most addicts like to inject) I was given Valium. Within 10 seconds I was light-headed. The amount they gave me wasn’t anything like heroin or as strong. The amount of heroin found in Kurt’s system was more than what any seasoned addict could withstand. How fast would that incapacitate him?


He’s found unconscious with a syringe still in his arm from overdosing before his alleged suicide.

He was found without a needle in his arm, everything in place, and shot himself after the dose in April 1994.

…….Doesn’t make sense does it?






SIB Fan Watch Party



Have you bought your copy of Soaked In Bleach yet? You can also rent it on Netflix.

The watch party for SIB is on January 14th, 2016.

In the comfort of your own home.

Then we reconvene after the movie on Twitter. We’ll be lighting up twitter with SIB talk, reviews, insights, and opinions.

It’s time to show some unity in a great safe way.

Anytime you want to watch the movie on the 14th is at your perrogative, there isn’t a specific time, other than the 14th. I think it’s a great way to keep the talk and tweets going all day long.

Please RT the date for the watch party, tweet this post, even if you don’t plan on watching that day, we need to get the movie known to others on twitter that may not have seen or heard of SIB yet.


Thank you all. Justice for Kurt.


RT and SHARE! (buttons below post)


Hidden Thoughts On The March For Kurt

The last 24 hrs proved to be intense on twitter. Regarding the march for Kurt to be held in Seattle, April 8, 2016.  Many emotions were seen, and heard. I wanted to take a step back, and really try to feel this out. I wanted to write a blog post to let others know some other thoughts I haven’t spoken about.  so…let’s just get to it.

  1. When I first saw the March, I was thrilled. I thought this was a great idea. I was looking forward to seeing how many people would actually show up. How many would be more than just be 160 characters on twitter. It was exciting.

2. The things that I didn’t like after doing the research were the observations of certain things not be done as properly, and professionally as other event planners do. There is a protocol to  follow. It lends credibility to those organizing an event. We still have yet to see those things, but as I stated numerous times “To each their own” you have to make up your mind if you want to be a part of it or not.

3. A HUGE concern is how the media could swing this march. If any part of this march is hateful, members attending screaming out just half the things about Courtney as they do on twitter, half the things about SPD, the media will tear that apart. It will tear down yet again the credibility of those seeking truth.

There must be tight control on that march. The media to this DAY has sided with the suicide ruling. The exceptions have been few. That has to be kept in mind.  Safety in many areas have to be kept in mind, like people hearing about this march and believe it was a suicide, and showing up just to cause trouble.

4. Here’s where I take a turn. Something that bothers me, it’s bothered me for months.  Tom Grant has done  tremendous amount of work. If not for Mr. Grant we’d know a lot less.  I, like others, did wonder why he would even care if there was a march. Why would he say he didn’t want to acknowledge it? (stating you aren’t a part of it is one thing, but he was very clear, he even went as far as to block people for mentioning it)  I thought at first it may have been how the march website had worded some things, and made it sound as if he was on board when in reality he wasn’t. I’m still not sure why he decided to take the stance against the march. He hasn’t explained, and that is what leads me to this….something I’ve been wondering for months

Mr. Grant, there are some very basic questions that would clear up so much. We have yet to hear your thoughts. One being have you ever tried to go beyond the SPD, and if not why?

The other is, there are other movements to show unity, and justice for Kurt, bringing more awareness, why are you against some (one, all) of them? You stated there are better ways to get the case reopened, what are those ways?

You see Mr. Grant your words, as you know, carry a lot of weight when it pertains to the death of Kurt Cobain. Many have looked up to you, and followed you with respect. At the very least you could answer in what ways you feel fans should explore to get the case to be reopened. It’s not too much to ask, for that answer.  If there is something we are missing on correct “protocol” let us know.

As far as the march, I still say what I said, there are things that needed to be handled differently. Things lending to its reliability, credibility, and safety. I still say it’s each person’s individual choice on whether to attend. If that makes me a bad guy. I guess it just does.

Mr. Grant? We ask respectfully. We are waiting.

UPDATE: I myself have had to block people on twitter for stating my opinion on the march and advising people to be careful and ask for proof of this organization or people being legitimate



Final Thoughts on #marchforkurt

After several tweets today, one tweet that stands out is being told there is a committee that is organizing this march. They meet once a week. Meeting once a week implies in person. One person organizing this is in Canada, one in Texas. No one knows who the others are, they won’t post that information. Strange…they say committee…meets once a week. If it’s a legitimate committee my question is: If you can afford to fly to meet once a week then why do you need to ask for $2,500.00 from the general public?

Also this morning I received a reply here at the blog, a very long diatribe, and with your patience you can read through. I am going to post it here and my answers to the reply will be in bold.


Lengthy but worth the read:
The organizers of the Kurt Cobain March for Justice 2016 would like to correct several inaccuracies in this article:
Not an article just a damn blog post

* The March for Justice is not being organized by one individual, or two; the Event Planning Committee is comprised of 25 diehard Nirvana fans, divided into several smaller subcommittees such as Legal, Finance, Security, Media/PR, Guest Speakers/Activities, and so forth. We meet weekly and attend to every detail of event planning with great care.
Then post that information with names on your website to lend legitimacy to your cause. This isn’t writing letters or writing the FBI this is suppose to be a professional organized event. You make it sound as if it’s super professional, then be forthcoming with just WHO is behind the event.
* The March for Justice planning committee members come from all walks of life, and all parts of the world, including several members who live in Seattle and WA state.
You can afford to meet once a week but need 2500 dollars from individuals. Surely attorneys, and finance individuals can spot 2500 on top of what they’ve given? They would also already know this(monies) should have been done before announcing the event.
* The event organizers have thus far funded the march effort from our own pockets. We aren’t waiting around on an angel donor to come along…we are our own angel donors, because we care.
Then why not hold the event free of “fundraising” from other individuals. If this is so organized, and coordinated from and by those in legal, financial, media etc (by the way

* The event organizers aren’t wealthy people, however, and a march of this size and scope does require fundraising efforts to produce correctly. Permits, event insurance, legal fees, barricade, traffic signs, outside security, P.A. rentals, etc…all this adds up. There is certainly nothing wrong with allowing Kurt’s fans to crowdfund an event. It is the fans who ultimately will decide; that’s the beauty of crowdfunding.
Those things are your responsibility to spot the cost for. You want the event and want a turn out , then do the work correctly and don’t ask the fans to pay for it. If you care, find a way. After all you may not have rich people on your committee but come on.
* There are many ways in which Kurt’s fans can lend a hand: in addition to the GoFundMe general fund, donations of goods or services are accepted (our wish list is published on our official website), and Direct Donations (choosing an expense, such as barricade rentals, for example, and paying that cost directly from donor to vendor) are strongly encouraged. That way the donor knows exactly how their money is being spent, and the financial transaction is between that individual and the vendor, not the March for Justice.
But that isn’t necessary you can get those items donated by companies, and any person that is knowledgeable about organizing events KNOWS THIS.  SPONSORS pay for those items or are donated by the company. No one should have to donate to get those items if you organize an event correctly. This shows you don’t have experience, or are lying about a committee of intelligible peoples.
* This is how our event permit will be paid for — one donor stepped up to the plate and volunteered to pay the City of Seattle directly for the permit fees. Donor is happy, city is happy, everybody is happy. 🙂
Of course “everyone” is happy, and YOU as an organizer should have paid in the very least for the permit. Shame on you for taking advantage of fans. By the way you stated your committee has already paid things out of pocket. What are those things and where is the proof of that?
* Once the March for Justice permit application is submitted (typically 60 days prior to the event) and approved, it will be a matter of public record. Anyone will be able to look it up online at the city’s website.
And those looking into your “event” should be able to see certain information already. Things you(r) people(s) have paid for, with verification of that, and again you should have had these things taken care of before announcing the event. This isn’t a professional organization of an event and because of that, and lack of forthcoming information, it should make anyone question what is going on with the money being collected, asked for, etc when it never needed to be asked for.

We felt it was important to set the record straight on these facts.
and you haven’t

Understandably if you’re not a volunteer working on one of the March for Justice organizing committees, you would not have known the answers to these questions, so I hope this reply has been helpful. Most of your questions are already answered on our official website at, and also at the City of Seattle’s website regarding the process of event permit applications.
And it’s your job when trying to organize an event of this magnitude to have things already in place and listed that ARE NOT ON YOUR WEBSITE. The City of Seattle’s website has nothing to do with your website or the information you have not provided. For clarification of what that is, please see all my previous answers above.

Of course, we realize that there will always be critics, and you can’t make everybody happy all the time, can you?:-) We also realize that misinformation and rumor can quickly spread on the internet.
You’ve been given answers to correct your mistakes in this. Your job to correct not rumors, but legitimate concerns regarding your manner of organizing an event.
An event that is suppose to be founded on “A peaceful march for Justice in the Cobain case” but you have failed to realized the other things and Issues that could arise even out of a peaceful walk/march. How can you be sure someone attending will not start accusing Courtney Love of murder in public, thus leading to arrest, and once again degrading the integrity of those that have been called “nut jobs” for believing Kurt Cobain was murdered. You can’t. You can’t control an attendee who starts to bash the SPD in public.
So even though intentions might be good (might because too many questions about who is behind this event is in question) even so, there are too many variables that come into play.  Yelling at the SPD won’t make them “work harder” standing outside the FBI office won’t make them look into the case. Putting people out on the street where a mad man(men) can shoot or blow them up potentially in today’s terror climate is not an great idea. Think things through, as Tom Grant said, and I believe, there are better ways to handle this, and a march right now, is not the best way.
There is a time for everything. People are tired of waiting for the case to be reopened, but this event leads to other concerns and not just who is organizing it or where the money is going.


For those Kurt fans that feel as if I’m being too harsh, please note I have asked for proof of legitimacy, and that proof has not been divulged thus far. I have also raised concerns with not being able to control very emotionally driven people at a march, these concerns are not meant to stomp on someones parade, or not being unified in Justice for Kurt, this is about doing things correctly so we as justice seekers are taken seriously, and kept safe. It is not being an asshole to request the CORRECT information from the organization of an event like this, nor is it horrible to call out the inaccuracies.


If you come to my twitter to instigate trouble due to my opinions on this event, and try to start a debate I will block you.

Use your own judgement and proceed with caution. That isn’t being unfair.


P.S. Committee…you’re potentially tearing down everything Tom Grant and Ben Statler have built up. If the media swings to the side of SPD etc ( like they usually do )  this march can be turned into negativity for those that seek justice.

A one day March is not consistent pressure on the SPD or FBI to reopen the case.

Why Not To March for #Kurtcobain RT

It’s a great idea. In theory it’s great. Show your support, get them to notice, but there’s some issues that everyone should be aware of. This isn’t meant to rain on anyone’s parade. It’s more of a ….Public Service Announcement. Due to the fact I’ve done event planning for years. From weddings to world wide events. Yes global.


Let’s think it through.

  1. Permits. You have to get them to have this kind of “get together” Rally, protest(however peaceful),March.  Those need to be in place FIRST. They aren’t.
  2. Having a fundraiser (asking for money) without 1. detailed reasons why you need funding, B. fundraising isn’t needed. That’s what sponsors are for.
  3.  You get sponsors by doing the footwork for them, and a person arranging this kind of activity(march) should either be local or have plenty of money on their own to travel a few times to make arrangements and get the necessities accomplished.
  4. Seattle, WA has rules and laws that must be upheld. RIGHT? isn’t that the reason we want justice for Kurt, so that laws will be upheld? Right, then we must do the same. Fair is fair.
  5. We have to be aware of safety. WHO is going to do that? Make sure of each persons attending personal safety? We’ve had so many nut jobs go around with guns and explosives I’m a bit concerned for those that may attend, and the people inside SPD and the FBI.

In a nutshell this hasn’t been organized well at all. There’s a ton of things to do when you’re calling people from all over the United States to attend. It IS a big deal, and things need to be handled appropriately. Let’s not do something to infuriate those that are in positions to HELP THIS CASE GET REOPENED. There are better ways.

Like  said, I think a march is a great idea to show unity and raise awareness, but this March hasn’t been lain out well, and there are too many questions as to WHO is organizing this??

The last thing we want is danger and another 60+ people to possibly to be hurt or worse and it be connected to Kurt Cobain.


You’re decision, but think it through and ASK QUESTIONS, lots of them. I’m with Tom Grant. I won’t back it.


UPDATE: The organizer has a go fund me account. —-Professionally, you can get sponsors and other means for meeting these needed things. Donations of equipment etc. Also the two organizing this even aren’t in Seattle. One is in Canada, the other Texas. To organize this you either need to be there, OR have enough money to travel back and forth. why a go fund me, a professional would know there are other means.





Who Did it, Where? #cobaincase RT!


Who was it? Did Courtney Love pay someone to off Kurt? Cali deWitt? Eric Erlandson? Did Dylan Carlson know what was going on, but too scared to be honest? Too addicted to heroin to come forward? Courtney supplied drugs to quite a few above, if not all.

Was he killed in the Greenhouse, or was he already dead by the time he was possibly taken to the greenhouse after being loaded up on rophypnol and heroin?

Cali used heroin and cocaine, and his then girlfriend, Jessica, said Cali had a syringe full of narcan beside his bed wrapped in masking tape.  Why did Jessica never hear a gunshot? Could it be the sound was muffled from the greenhouse and rain? Perhaps. She did say she became very ill, and had to leave the Seattle home. She was vomiting because all she had to eat while there was bananas and soda. (Did she not have any means to get something more substantial to eat? She was not a drug user) -mind you the above information about Jessica is from a book written by an author with ties to Courtney Love so it may all be bullshit to throw more fuel on lies.

Courtney was calling non stop to Cali, and it was irritating to Cali, who raised his voice to Jessica and told her not to answer the phone it was just Courtney.


The police never tested the contents of the soda can. Valium could have been in Kurt’s system from the rehab center, but since the SPD didn’t check or test the contents of the soda can found beside Kurt, no one has any idea if it had any drug in it…like possibly ROHYPNOL, that was found under the mattress in Courtney’s bedroom at the Seattle home.  She seemed to like Rohypnol…after all March 4th was probably practice. (practice only because it didn’t work like she had wanted.)


Follow me on twitter @girl_nevermore


Courtney Love, Illness RT!



Not surprising, or shocking, but here are some revelations about Courtney Love’s mental health.

Let’s revisit Billy Corgan slamming Love on twitter for using his songs on her albums. (Sound familiar? Live Through This, possibly has songs on it written by Kurt) Yeah. The debate was full of “Oh hell yes” comments LOL


Or what about this?


Then we have stories and quotes from Courtney’s mother:

“I took Courtney to a therapist when she was 2. I felt something was wrong. There were times she would cry for hours and couldn’t be soothed. Other times she cried in a way that seemed fake, as if she would study people and then do it. The first therapist I consulted said, “I don’t know what’s wrong. But I have a feeling it’s going to get worse, and there’s not anything we can do.” I have been grateful all my life for him.”

When she was about 8 and I became the brunt of her rage. Something in me shifted then. One time, years later, I was visiting Courtney’s daughter, Frances, at their home in Beverly Hills, and Courtney was horribly cruel to the people who worked for her. I felt deep shame and asked myself what I must have done to her for her to do that to them. I went to my own therapist and cried. I was trying to show myself that I’m not responsible for her treating people like that. I know that I’m not making her make those choices and that I didn’t make her bipolar. What I did do was give in to her. I was so scared of her anger that I indulged her, and I taught her really young that if she screams, she could get her own way. But I did not make her a seriously character-disordered person.”


—You can read more here:



Corrupt SPD

No really just click on the links even if you don’t read the articles.



Why Should the F.B.I. Take on #cobaincase

By: girl_nevermore


I hate to point out the obvious here, but pressure has been on the Seattle Police Department for how many years? In 2014 we saw how they handled a possible “reopening” of the case. FAIL. Countless letters, public awareness, the most truthful film out there Soaked in Bleach, and still not one comment from Seattle Police Department. Not one acknowledgement. (except for …here’s a few photos but we won’t let anyone else come investigate)

Is there a way to get the case investigated? Sure there is. It requires no more amount of work than what peoples have been doing to get the Seattle police department off their asses to do the right thing. You see…no one has asked them to RULE it a homicide. All that has been asked of the SPD is for an independent team to take a look at the evidence. THEY WON’T EVEN DO THAT.

Let’s break this down. The F.B.I. has jurisdiction. They are above the police department. This doesn’t mean the FBI just takes over, on the contrary they do NOT take over, but they do have the ability to say…in simple terms, “let me see the case.”  The reason the FBI hasn’t done something by now? More than likely it’s due to one thing. THEY HAVEN’T been contacted or contacted enough.

What does the FBI investigate?

Many things and one in particular is…


I’m not saying it wouldn’t take bringing it to their attention by countless peoples, because let’s face it, the FBI has countless cases they work. Some cases would indeed take precedence, but that’s not the point.  The point is this, the SPD aren’t doing a damn thing,(that we are aware of) so how is contacting the FBI a bad idea or a waste of time?  That’s right, it’s not.

Let’s take a look straight from the FBI website:

The FBI has primary investigative jurisdiction for all federal criminal laws except cases in which responsibility is, by statute or otherwise, specifically assigned to another agency.


What does the FBI do with information and evidence gathered during an investigation?

If a possible violation of federal law under the jurisdiction of the FBI has occurred, the Bureau will conduct an investigation. The information and evidence gathered in the course of that investigation are then presented to the appropriate U.S. Attorney or Department of Justice official, who will determine whether or not prosecution or further action is warranted. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, evidence is either returned or retained for court.

If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation?

No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations. Instead, the investigative resources of the FBI and state and local agencies are often pooled in a common effort to investigate and solve the cases.


As you can see, there is no harm in contacting the Seattle FBI via email, and requesting for them to look into the Cobain case. By all means, keep sending your letters etc. to the SPD, but if you want to hit, and start hitting hard, you need to be just as proactive, and take it to the next level. Nothing will be done if we don’t use all of the limited resources we have. One is contacting the SPD,  and another is contacting the FBI.

Don’t let your focus on the SPD or the lack of hearing anything from them derail you from what’s important. That won’t help Kurt at all.


Love me or Hate me



Future Focused

By: Reopen Cobain Fan Community


This won’t be a long post today. Just a simple post, and one that will make you think.

If Kurt was so suicidal in the last few weeks leading up to his death, why was he making future plans? Dylan Carlson stated he was happy, and making future plans.

Kurt didn’t spontaneously decided to take his life. That contradicts why he bought a shotgun weeks before his death.  If he were planning to kill himself at least a week before he actually committed suicide, then….


….why on March 25, 1994 would he be recording music in his basement recording studio in Seattle, WA only to go-

  1. Five days later to purchase a shotgun
  2. Then leave for rehab
  3. Then on April 1st leave a phone message for Courtney that doesn’t sound suicidal at all
  4. Then return home, waiting two or three days ( if you believe what the coroners report stated about time of death) and finally kill himself.

For someone that committed suicide, he sure did some things that a man planning on sticking around would do.

Food For Thought.


p.s. He had just received a new guitar too, stated it was his new favorite, and used it to record new material during this time so…….why again are we suppose to believe he planned to kill himself?

Reopen Cobain Fan Community
