Tom Grant Hired by Silva Family


My My –

LOL   Hey Courtney, “How’s that for a spin?”


There has been another bizarre twist in the divorce battle between Frances Bean Cobain and her estranged husband, Isaiah Silva.

We’re told that the private detective that Courtney Love employed to investigate the death of her husband Kurt Cobain has now been hired by Silva to protect his family from Love and her manager/attack dog, Sam Lutfi.

Page Six reported in July that Lutfi — who notoriously served as Britney Spears’ “manager” during her famous breakdown — had been trying to strong-arm Silva, 31, into returning a valuable guitar, which Kurt played in Nirvana’s legendary “MTV Unplugged” session and which is said to be worth millions. Frances, 24, gave it to Silva as a wedding gift.

Sources told us that Lutfi even threatened Jessica Sullivan, 27, the mother of Silva’s ­7-year-old child, Arlo, apparently in an attempt to get her to side with Frances in the upcoming divorce proceedings, which will decide the fate of the instrument. Lutfi had telephoned Sullivan, calling her a “whore” and a “c - - t,” and sent her messages saying ominously, “You are done! You sick bitch.”

Now we’re told that Silva has put Tom Grant — who after his investigation into Kurt’s death, concluded that the Nirvana singer was murdered in a conspiracy, and Love is a “psychopath” (although he did not implicate her in Kurt’s killing) — on the payroll

“The threats only stopped after Isaiah’s family hired Courtney’s former private investigator, Tom Grant,” said a source close to the family. “Tom even stayed overnight at Jessica Sullivan’s home in case Lutfi showed up.”

Grant also posted audio recordings of Lutfi’s calls to Sullivan on the Web site

Meanwhile, we’re told that Silva — who, he claims, previously wanted no spousal support from Frances in the divorce — has changed his tune and is now requesting $25,000 a month, as compensation for the “hell” he’s allegedly suffered at the hands of Love and Lutfi.

The “Suicide” Note


This letter that has been passed off for over 20 years as Kurt Cobain’s suicide note, is in reality a retirement letter written by Kurt Cobain. He was retiring from Nirvana. The last lines are written in a different handwriting, and with a different pen. Below is a photo of the note followed by the letter’s contents typed out for ease of reading.


To Boddah

Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complain-ee. This note should be pretty easy to understand.

All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years, since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven’t felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guity beyond words about these things.

For example when we’re back stage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowds begins., it doesn’t affect me the way in which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love, relish in the the love and adoration from the crowd which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is, I can’t fool you, any one of you. It simply isn’t fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I’m having 100% fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on stage. I’ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it (and I do,God, believe me I do, but it’s not enough). I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. It must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they’re gone. I’m too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasms I once had as a child.

On our last 3 tours, I’ve had a much better appreciation for all the people I’ve known personally, and as fans of our music, but I still can’t get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man. Why don’t you just enjoy it? I don’t know!

I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what i used to be, full of love and joy, kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can’t stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable, self-destructive, death rocker that I’ve become.

I have it good, very good, and I’m grateful, but since the age of seven, I’ve become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along that have empathy. Only because I love and feel sorry for people too much I guess.

Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I’m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.

Peace, love, empathy.
Kurt Cobain

Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your alter.
Please keep going Courtney, for Frances.
For her life, which will be so much happier without me.





Let’s discuss the new class of “ignorance” trying to make it’s rounds around the internet. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr. It;s a group of – very small group – of people who are hell bent om trying to discredit Tom Grant and Benjamin Statler.

It’s roused nothing. Why? It’s hard to debunk facts even when you have one or two people the world would consider “credible” Like Krist Novoselic being of the opinion Kurt committed suicide. Or Vernon Geberth who was featured in the film Soaked In Bleach stating he believed Kurt actually committed suicide.

Krist stated years back that when something bad happens some people will try to make excuses (ex: Kurt was murdered) because they can’t cope with the fact he actually killed himself. Well, one could also argue that some people will cling to suicide because they can’t cope with the fact he was actually KILLED. So that goes both ways. The facts still remain a dead man can not pull a trigger. When you’re unconscious you can’t shoot yourself.

Vernon Geberth – This one was really taken, and ran with by the small amount of people trying to discredit Tom Grant. Geberth came out recently stating he thought Kurt committed suicide, and he stated that very opiniion in the film Soaked in Bleach, but it was edited out. (Note, he was offered the chance to be interviewed to clear the matter up and he was adamant  he did not want to cooperate in any way. Unedited, and full on “say what you want to say”  He declined)

Here’s the issue with Geberth being upset his opinion was edited out: Geberth was asked to give his expert opinion, for the movie Soaked In Bleach, on the Kurt Cobain investigation done by the Seattle Police Department on April 8th 1994. His opinion was the investigation should have been handled better. There were things that were done incorrectly. His book ‘Practical Homicide Investigation’ was also shown in the film Soaked In Bleach, it has been used by FBI as a “handbook” for Homicide Investigations. BOOK

Point being he was asked to give his expert opinion on the investigation, not on his opinion about suicide or murder. It doesn’t matter that he thinks Kurt committed suicide. That opinion is his RIGHT to believe as he wishes. No one is faulting him for that, however that isn’t why he was in the film, and it wasn’t about his personal opinion on suicide, or murder it was about the INVESTIGATION being handled inappropriately.

Therefore Geberth thinking Kurt killed himself has no bearing on other facts that line up showing there was foul play involved in Kurt’s death. It has no relevance on the investigation being botched, and ruled a suicide in haste.

It is a moot point.

Those involved in trying to discredit Tom Grant are grabbing at what seems to be big news/ticket information, and trying to use it as a means to find flaw, fault, and problems with the evidence, and facts Tom Grant has found over 20+ years. It falls flat.

Dr. Cyril Wecht is an American forensic pathologist. He has been a consultant in numerous high-profile cases. Who has been involved in thousands of autopsies stated the case needed to be reopened because the amount of heroin in Kurt’s system was suspicious. He also stated the rush to conclude it was suicide in one day raised red flags as well.

SO we have Geberth stating the investigation wasn’t handled in the best manner, Cyril stating there’s several things questionable about Cobain’s death, and Krist who wasn’t there, and has his own opinion.

Using Krist’s opinion, and Geberth’s opinion fails to discredit Tom Grant.

Those that have “banded together” online to try, and discredit Tom, Ben, Cyril etc aren’t just giving their opinions, they have stated their goal is to  discredit Tom Grant. This isn’t a group simply giving their opinion Kurt Cobain committed suicide, which in itself, is fine. These are a few people who have a vendetta.

A person/group doesn’t launch daily verbal attack on a grown man / men on Twitter, FB, Tumblr, Instagram with harassing remarks, and quite near death threats when they only are of the opinion Kurt Cobain committed suicide. There is no need to ridicule, and harass. They would be confident enough in THEIR opinions, and FACTS having no need, or desire trying veraciously to drag anyone through the mud.

Actions are louder than words, and it’s clear and transparent as to their game plan. They have stated, and admitted their goal is to discredit Tom Grant. They DID NOT say, or state their goal is to only prove Kurt Cobain committed suicide.

Basically the #soakedinbullshit  over the net is just that. Bullshit. It’s a smear campaign against Tom Grant, Benjamin Statler, and the film Soaked In Bleach.(as per their own admittance)

It is NOT to bring attention to the suicide theory.

Once again, a group of people are doing this for the wrong reason which only disrespects truthful individuals who are brave enough to take a stand, and more importantly they are disrespecting, and hurting Kurt Cobain.


::Mic Drop::

Sam Lutfit – Bullies Nightmare

**Audio files _WHICH YOU NEED TO HEAR!_ are located at


Bullies Nightmare – Story #1 Part #1

On June 27, 2016, Radar Online, published a story with the headline “Britney Spears’ Former Manager Sam Lutfi, Accused Of Kidnapping Frances Bean Cobain’s Ex. Isaiah Silva was ‘in fear for his life,’ police reports claim.”

This is a follow-up to that Radar Online story.

We have been furnished with legally recorded audio conversations between Courtney Love’s good friend, Sam Lutfi, and the former girlfriend of Frances Bean Cobain’s estranged husband, Isaiah Silva. Isaiah’s former girlfriend, Jesse Sullivan, is also the mother of Isaiah’s seven year-old child. To this day, Jesse and Isaiah remain very close friends.

After Isaiah had informed Jesse about his kidnapping by Sam Lutfi, these conversations were recorded by Jesse in compliance with California Penal Code Section 633.5.

Soon after she made these recorded conversations, Jesse and her girlfriend, Teela, went to the Hollywood sub-station of the Los Angeles Police Department where they attempted to turn over the recordings to the police.

“This involves a high profile case with harassment and threats and a kidnapping,” Jesse told the officer at the front desk.

“Well there are a lot of people ahead of you,” the officer responded coldly. “You’ll have to wait about 8 hours.”

“But this is important” Jesse responded. “It involves threats.”

“Then you should probably come back in the morning,” the desk officer replied.

“Well, hopefully I won’t die tonight,” Jesse said as she now felt frightened and worried for her safety.

Jesse later told us that she felt like the officer at the L.A.P.D. station had “just blown us off.”

So what do you do when the term “To Serve and Protect” has lost it’s original meaning? You protect yourself by making the public aware of crazed threats that have been made against you and your family.

The first four audio samples posted below clearly illustrate the wanna-be mobster side of Sam Lutfi’s personality. Simply listen to the angry, menacing tone of his voice.

The last of the samples (#5), can only be described as chilling as Lutfi seems to have Frances Bean Cobain exactly where he wants her.

The entirety of the recordings is 45 minutes long. More of these recorded conversations may eventually be made public.

(please visit to listen)

In addition to the disastrous Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes connections to Sam Lutfi that ended in multiple restraining orders, Lutfi has also tried to establish relationships with Lindsay Lohan and Michael Jackson’s teenage daughter, Paris Jackson.

It certainly seems that this Lutfi creep gravitates towards vulnerable female celebrities.

So why should anyone care about this?Because no one wants to see a future headline in the news that reads;

“FRANCES BEAN COBAIN COMMITS SUICIDE, JUST LIKE HER FATHER”Wouldn’t that be a little too convenient for Courtney Love and her good friend, Sam Lutfi?

Is there a new album in the works, “Live Through This . . . Again”?

For more on the “Adventures in Lutfiland” please check the following links:

Sam and Britney

Sam and Amanda

“Sleazy Sam Lutfi”

Part #2
Illistrates the current, direct connection between
Courtney Love and Sam Lutfi as it relates to Isaiah Silva’s
kidnapping and Sam Lutfi’s excessive bullying.

Bullies Nightmare – Story #1 Part #2

Courtney Love Directly Connected to Sam Lutfi’s Crazy Antics
Documents Provided

July 14, 2016
The New York Post’s “Page 6” published a story with the headline “The Battle for Kurt Cobain’s Guitar Is Getting Ugly”

To begin Part #2 of the Sam Lutfi files, would like to respond to the above “Page 6” article.

The title is extremely misleading. Sure the headline is an attention getter and that’s really what news editors want. However, let’s get real here; this is not about the “Battle for Kurt Cobain’s Guitar.” That’s just a way this magazine simplified a more complex and potentially dangerous issue.

This is about harassment, attempted extortion, and serious threats against a young lady with a 7-year-old child and her extended family.

Of course we expected Sam Lutfi to have some excuse for his angry threats and his screaming, thug-like tone of voice in the recorded conversations. But we would have never expected his excuse to be so very lame. It seems like this guy just makes things up on the fly and isn’t intelligent enough to come up with a believable excuse for his actions.

Lutfi claims he was angry at Jesse because he felt “threatened by her.” and that Jesse “recently tried to provoke Frances into killing herself by taunting her about her father’s suicide.” Lutfi went on to call [Jesse] Sullivan “an awful human being. So I told her off” according to the “Page 6” article.

What could it be about this 100 lb, very thin, normally soft-spoken young lady, that could possibly be a threat to a thug like Sam Lutfi? For a guy who tries to sound so tough, his reaction to the release of these recordings is ridiculously impotent.

Let’s be very clear here; if anyone including Jessica Sullivan, ever truly tried to provoke Frances Bean Cobain in “killing herself” by taunting her about her father’s “suicide,” that person, whoever it was, would be the Public Enemy #1.

listen to the first audio sample from Part #1 again and apply some simple logic and common sense.

Jesse: “What have I ever done to Frances?”

Sam: “You think you’re fucking smart?””Do you have any idea what type of people you’re dealing against?””Are you stupid?”Jesse: “I don’t want anybody to take care of me and my girlfriend and my daughter.”

So Jesse begins by saying: “What have I ever done to Frances?”

If what Lutfi claimed about Jesse’s attempt to “provoke Frances into killing herself by taunting her about her father’s suicide,” were true, wouldn’t that be the first thing out of his mouth in response to Jesse’s question – “What have I ever done to frances?”

But no, Lutfi says, “you’re stabbing her in the back” (which was just hyperbole or Jesse would be in jail today). Then he goes on to try to intimidate Jesse into “siding” with Frances [against the father of Jesse’s child, Isaiah Sila] and [Frances will] “take care of you and your wife [girlfriend], and your daughter until the day you die.”

The law calls that “Extortion.”

Does that sound like a man who is angry about Jesse trying to “provoke Frances into killing herself”?

So we need to ask Sam now: Do you think you’re smart? Are you stupid? Can’t you come up with a more legitimate sounding excuse for harassing and threatening this young lady and her daughter? Or do you just blast out the first thing that enters your brain when confronted with evidence of your bullying personality?

Attorney Letter Page 1

You will notice that this is a two-page letter, not from Frances Cobain’s attorney, but from Courtney Love’s attorney which was sent to Isaiah Silva’s attorney nearly 24 hours after Isaiah is said to have been kidnapped by Sam Lutfi on June 3rd of 2016.

The names, addresses of the attorneys here have been redacted by as a courtesy to prevent harassment from those not directly involved in this case. We do, however, have the full, unredacted copies of these two pages in our possession. The non-disclosure nonsense at the bottom of these e-mailed pages is non-enforceable and only included by the sender as a scare tactic. It does not hold up in court.


What we have here is a letter from Courtney Love’s attorney to Isaiah Silva’s attorney asking to have Isaiah agree to and sign her strangely injected terms into Frances Cobain’s divorce settlement. If this was from Frances, why wasn’t the letter addressed as “I represent Frances Cobain” instead of “I represent Courtney Love”?

You will notice, of course, that no one has signed these ridiculous papers and according too our sources, they never will.

Item #1 – Vacating the house.

Why would Isaiah Silva be asked by Courtney Love, not Frances, to be vacate Isaiah and Frances’ house within 12 days, “leaving same in clean condition” AND “turn over the keys to the Sam Lutfi?This letter is pathetically ridiculous. It’s difficult to believe that any attorney would be involved in such a comical request. Is there a judge in this country who would force any tenant, much less a disputed co-owner, to vacate and clean such a large house – mostly packed full of Frances Cobain’s personal belongings – within a 12 day period?

Item #2 – Removing Isaiah’s father from the house trust.

Courtney Love is expecting Isaiah Silva to remove his father, Walter Silva, from the trust account under which Isaiah AND Frances Cobain had purchased another house in West Hollywood, primarily as an investment. This is the same house now occupied by Jesse Sullivan, the mother of Isaiah’s daughter who also lives at that residence.Isn’t that a little like saying, “Over here everyone. Stand on this railroad track until the train runs you over”?

“Uh, no.”

Item #3 – “I will turn over all tapes, videos and photos of Frances Cobain to Sam Lutfi.”

Although they were only married for about two years, Isaiah and Frances have a 6-year history together. They’ve traveled. They’ve taken photos and videos of themselves and the places they’ve been together.But hey Courtney, if it makes you happy, Isaiah will turn over his treasured memories to Sam Lutfi, of all people.

Or maybe he won’t. That’s our guess.

Item #4 – “Spousal support.”

No comment. Not interested.Item #5 – “I will never threaten, bully, extort or try to intimidate Frances Cobain.

This is what is referred to as deflection. Acting as if someone else is doing the very things you know you are guilty of doing. We have evidence of the threatening, the extortion attempts and the bullying by Courtney’s friend, Sam Lutfi. Is there ANY evidence that Isaiah has ever done ANY of these things to Frances?Item #6 – “I agree to return the guitar Frances provided to me which belonged to her father.”

Isaiah Silva claims that Frances gave him the guitar in question as a wedding present. And here Courtney Love, through her attorney, acknowledges that Frances “provided” the guitar to Isaiah.

Once again, let’s simply apply some good old common sense and logic here as we think about what “provided” means:

It is said that this particular guitar – the one that Kurt Cobain played in MTV’s “Unplugged” – is now worth millions of dollars.This would caus any reasonable person ask: “Why would Frances merely “provide” this guitar to Isaiah? What did she think he would use it for, band practice? Or, maybe just to Carry it around to show off to his friends?

Which is more logical here: Frances “provided” that multi-million dollar guitar for Isaiah to do with whatever he wants, or, Frances gave that guitar to the man she loved on their wedding day as a gift, knowing that Isaiah would treasure, value and protect such a sentimental and priceless gift for the rest of his life?If Isaiah, (the man in this marriage), would have been extremely wealthy and had given his wife, (the woman in this relationship) – who only had a modest income of her own – a sentimental family heirloom worth millions of dollars as a wedding gift, would this guitar even be an issue now?Of course not. THAT happens all the time. The public accepts men giving women expensive wedding presents. Sadly, most do not see the hypocrisy of this kind of thinking when the male/female roles are reversed.

Item #7 – “I will file a response to the current divorce proceeding and these terms shall be incorporated into a Stipulated Judgement which the parties shall sign.After all these pretentiousness demands, if this line had been written into a television sit-com it would have been hilarious.Is there any question in anyone’s mind now that Courtney Love
is deeply entrenced with Sam Lutfi and his psychotic antics?
—Copied with permission from

“I Am Nancy!” – Courtney Love

Courtney Love was in the movie Sid and Nancy. She ended up playing the part of one of Sid and Nancy’s junkie friends,


but her audition tape, featured her proclaiming:

 ” I AM Nancy”
 She’s obsessed with women she wants to portray herself as in order to sell that image. People have said numerous times Courtney Love was like Nancy  Spungen.

Nancy Spungen


It seems Courtney Love wanted people to compare her to Nancy yet Courtney would often change it up. One interview she said people thought she was like Nancy, and she thought they had a lot in common, yet in other interviews she would say “Nancy was stupid” (wasn’t an intellectual) it’s as if Courtney wanted to be compared to her, then would deny it.

She wanted everyone to think, after hooking up with Kurt Cobain that she had always been a punk rock chick, and said that she and Kurt met in Portland. Portland has been debunked as a lie.

Courtney Love: I met Kurt in Portland in 1989. Nirvana played with a band called the Dharma Bums — they were very big in Portland. I met Kurt there and everyone knows that story, and it’s pretty true as is told. I just read a first draft of the biopic film and it’s deadly accurate. He was with Tracy, and then Kurt & I got into a wrestling thing. But in the first draft of the script it says Living Color was on the jukebox. No, for fuck’s sake, it was a song called “Dear Friend” by Flying Color from San Francisco.

We started wrestling because I told him he had a far girlfriend. I was just being a dick. But then he gave me a sticker — a little sticker with Chim Chim on it that had Nirvana in his hand.

Everett True: Did I tell you the story of me introducing Kurt to Courtney? No, there’s not that much debate about it. The only debate that exists is the fact that Courtney made up a story that she met Kurt a couple of years earlier in Portland and Kurt backed it up — with my full approval, because we didn’t want her to be seen as a gold digger. I went along with it because I thought it was funny.

You see in 1989 Courtney didn’t have a punk look at all. More like a Madonna copy cat.


What does this mean? well Courtney wanted to be seen as another Nancy Spungen. She use to check into hotels with Kurt under the name Nancy and Kurt used the name Simon Richie (Sid’s name)  It means that when Kurt said, “She looked like Nancy Spungen and I probably could have fucked her that night,” comment from Kurt in About A Son was one of Kurt’s attempts to flatter her and cover her ass.

Courtney wanted to subvert the archetype. Kurt was a sucker for subversion so it makes sense that he didn’t notice that. Subversion is overthrowing something, like a government or law, or it can mean corrupting someone’s personal morals, like making a vegetarian eat bacon by tricking her. The Latin root subvertere means “to turn from below,” and when you turn something on its head in a sneaky way, that’s subversion.

I’m not trying to make Kurt out to be gullible, or weak but he seemed to cave to a lot if not all of what Courtney wanted through her manipulation.

An interview with Kurt by Everett True in 1992, Melody Mker, Kurt says:


So let’s take a look at who Nancy Spungen was. 1958-1978

  1. Everyone on the punk scene had slept with her
  2. Everyone called her Nauseating Nancy because they didn’t like her.
  3.  Heroin addict
  4. She worked as a stripper
  5. Followed rock goups like Aerosmith and The Ramones.
  6. She was mentally ill
  7. Had a troubled childhood (something Cl tried to say about her own childhood but it’s been proven otherwise)
  8. She had a reputation for short temper and explosiveness
  9. Accounts of domestic violence between her and Sid
  10. Was said to get Sid hard core hooked on heroin
  11. Responsible for the band “Sex Pistols” breaking up,(Sid played bass)


Leee Black Childers: “If the Heartbreakers brought heroin to England, then Nancy brought it to Sid. When the Heartbreakers were around., he wasn’t interested. Suddenly when Nancy came, bang. That was the power of love. Her world was smack….she was a total junkie prostitute.

Johnny Rotten: There’s nothing vindictive when I say she was a beast. She was a very self-destructive human being who was determined to take as many people down with her as possible. Nancy Spungen was the complete Titanic looking for the iceberg, and she wanted a full load.

Everett flat out said that he, and Kurt didn’t want her perceived as a gold digger and therefore participated in helping her fabricate her botched anecdotes to make the public think they were always attracted to each other and the relationship was genuine. 

Nancy Spungen has been portrayed as punk rock’s Yoko Ono.

Courtney puts down the receiver. “Just call me Yoko Love,” she says.(Vanity Fair, Lynn Hirschberg)


Good from SPD??

No one has any idea why the Seattle Police department has released photos of the shotgun that killed Kurt Cobain, other than CBS news requesting information to dispel rumors he was murdered.

There hasn’t been any statement from the Seattle Police department and many people are left to wonder what SPD’s intention was, and thus far it appears to be their answer to Soaked In Bleach the movie.  Let’s take a look.

When news that Soaked in Bleach was on it’s way to being made/filmed Detective Ciesynski and the SPD decided to release new photos in 2014. He stated he looked back over the information, and he still concluded it was suicide.

It was reported on March 17, 2016 the photos released of Detective Ciesynski holding the gun were taken in June 2015. Shortly after the movie Soaked in Bleach was released. Some eight months ago.

Without any further information it appears this is/was a direct attempt to discredit Tom Grant, and ANYONE who feels Kurt’s demise was anything other than suicide. WHY?

The general public has been led to believe the gun was turned over to Courtney Love. She stated she would melt the gun down/give it to Mothers Against Violence. The Seattle Police never refuted her statements, and for 22 years the world thought the weapon had been turned over to her. The Seattle Police let everyone believe this for over 20 years.

Soaked In Bleach was released June 2015, the photos of Detective Ciesynski holding the weapon were taken shortly after the movie release. It appears to be an attempt to discredit Tom Grant, Benjamin Statler, and the experts involved in the film. In other words a big “F  U ”  “See…you were wrong about the weapon, and if you’re wrong about this one thing how many other things are you wrong about?” (obviously not much)

I’m not saying this is the SPD’s reason for doing this, but it sure appears they are once again trying to spin things, and throw intelligent peoples from all over the world into one lump category of “Crazy conspiracy nuts”  when in fact, if anyone takes a look at the evidence – MINUS the fact the gun wasn’t melted down, you still see questions that need answers in the death of Kurt Cobain.

Former Chief of police Norm Stamper, and Dr. Cyril Wecht surely aren’t  conspiracy nuts. Neither are Vernon Geberth , Vincent Di Maio, and the other admired professionals, and experts who came forward to give their insights in the movie Soaked In Bleach.

At this point the SPD’s actions once again leave room to assume their intentions are trying to manipulate the public into thinking Kurt committed suicide. Just another way to spin information. “Look, here’s the SUICIDE gun.” They had 22 years to state they had the weapon all along, but when the heat came up from Soaked In Bleach they had to do something. Once in 2014 when they knew the movie was coming, and once again after it’s release.

Detective Ciesynski is shown holding the gun with gloves on as if he’s going out hunting, and is proud to show off his newest fire arm. (Never mind that he could have placed it on a table to be photographed ensuring his own clothing fibers, and hairs were kept to a minimum yet its been 22 years so who gives a rats ass)

Things SPD has now done?

1. Everyone gets a better look at the weapon, and it’s made clear it’s too long for Kurt to have pulled the trigger.

2. SPD Confirmed Courtney Love lied.

Do they realize they have done this? That’s right. They have!  (Too bad they didn’t do it 22 years ago. It may not have taken as long) but whoa! They certainly have given us more than they may know. So the truth of this release is not that Tom Grant is unreliable, but confirms what we’ve known all along. Courtney lied, and the weapon couldn’t have been fired as Hartshorne, and others want everyone to believe.

That’s not nuts folks. It’s fact. The conspiracy theory that Kurt Cobain’s shotgun was melted down did not originate from Tom Grant or Soaked In Bleach. It came from Courtney Love.

It’s my hope that the SPD has not tried to discredit anyone, and that I along with many others are wrong about their intentions. It would be wonderful if this was the  beginning of something good….but trust has to be earned. Without an official statement we only have assumptions of their actions, but oh what they’ve shown us.

Thank you Seattle Police department, and Detective Ciesynski!


Tom Grant Interview

Tom Grant interview

Introduction: This interview with private investigator Tom Grant was done in May of 2000. Below is the text as it was posted on his own website back then:

Most of the questions on this page were sent to me by Rasmus Holmen of the Nirvana Club. For the sake of continuity, the questions are sometimes listed in a different sequence than what they were asked and a few questions have been reworded slightly to conceal the identity of specific individuals or to help me avoid discussing sensitive material that I’m not yet willing to discuss.

1. Are you still actively investigating the death of Kurt Cobain? If so, what is the very latest development in the case?

Yes, but other than the information given in these updates, I don’t publicly discuss every detail of every development. When something happens that the public should know about, the new information is posted on the investigation website.

2. What happened to your domain, I heard something about your company going bankrupt.

I’ve never declared bankruptcy and never will.

The site was being overcharged by my old server for excessive traffic. I couldn’t afford to maintain it. The is costing a fraction of what I used to pay.

It was necessary for me to close my Beverly Hills office due to financial difficulties caused largely by my extensive, unpaid work the Cobain case. I’m still in business though. I’ve moved to the Central Coast area of California where I’m slowly recovering from my losses and keeping very busy.

3. What is your opinion of the books focused on the Cobain murder theories, including Hank Harrison’s book and the book “Who killed Kurt Cobain” ?

The Book “Who Killed Kurt Cobain” by Max Wallace and Ian Halperin, is a credible, well written book. I highly recommend it.

On the other hand, Hank Harrison’s self-published “book” isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. The fact that he tried to rip off the book title used by Halperin and Wallace in order to capitalize on their successful publishing venture, says volumes about the credibility of this man.

I know Hank Harrison well. He’s come to my office. I’ve spent a great deal of time with him on the phone. He’s sent me dozens of e-mails. I’ve nailed him in lie after lie and I’ve told him in a very direct manner that I don’t consider him to be a trustworthy source of information. Based on hours of one on one conversation with Hank Harrison, I’m convinced he would fully support and defend Courtney if, in doing so, he could make a buck or two or get some media attention for himself.

But Courtney doesn’t want anything to do with her self-centered father and she won’t allow her supporters to speak publicly about the allegations against her. That leaves Hank out of the loop with no opportunity to cash in, unless. . . he switches sides, accuses his own daughter of murder and speaks publicly about the intimate details of her extremely active sexual history. Isn’t that what any loving father would do?

Now of course, some things Hank Harrison says, on rare occasion, may actually turn out to be true. Once or twice a year even his famous daughter tells the truth! But I need to warn our supporters to be very careful when dealing with Hank Harrison. For Hank and his daughter, words and stories are only meant to serve a direct need or purpose. Perception, for this father and daughter, is indeed, reality.

We need and welcome support from people who are motivated by truth. Hank Harrison cares only about himself. Hank needs to leave the allegations, accusations and charges of foul play to investigators, prosecutors and other professionals who are paid to protect the public! Then, above all else, Mr. Harrison should get some personal counseling and learn how to be a dad.

4. What is your opinion of other web sites devoted to the murder theories.

For the most part, I think they’re great! But the world is full of game players and con-artists. I’ve noticed many of the Cobain website operators have fallen prey to pranksters, so I’ve included a separate page on this website to deal with some of the popular hoaxes that are associated with the Cobain case. (Please refer to the link titled “HOAXES” at the bottom of this page).

An important phase of the master plan here has been to get others active in spreading the investigation information to Cobain’s fans. The more people involved and the more web sites that are up, the more support will grow for reopening the case.

That said, there have been some serious problems with a couple of web sites written by out-of-balance, presumptuous individuals who seem to want recognition as amateur investigators.

One man claims he has a video that shows Kurt’s head and other parts of the body inside the greenhouse. He says the video shows there was no “puddle of blood” as mentioned in the police reports. Then this guy speculates that the lack of blood indicates Cobain was killed somewhere else and then moved into the greenhouse!

I’ve seen this video. It’s really no more than a few frames of animated photography in which the camera angle changes a few degrees. It doesn’t really show much more than the still photograph originally published in the Seattle times shortly after Cobain’s death.

This is a good example of damage done to the credibility of this investigation by “amateur investigators.” The fact is, the blood on the floor doesn’t show because of the poor quality of the picture and the camera angle, not because it wasn’t there! As mentioned in the police report, it was a “drying puddle of blood.” It was not wet and shiny. It didn’t show up in the “video” because the camera wasn’t close enough and the angle was wrong. But I promise you, the blood was there.

Another example of damage done by someone with no background in criminology involves statements about the handwriting on the note found in the greenhouse at the Seattle residence. This person writes on his web site:

“I believe the most logical explanation for its meaning comes from Rosemary Carroll, who expressed to Tom Grant (discussed in WHO KILLED KURT COBAIN?) that she believed it was a “pastiche” of a few notes originally written by Cobain, which were traced over by the forger. The disjointed, extremely confusing content of the note, as well as the laughable attempts at forgery, confirms her theory; also consider that Carroll’s former husband, Jim Carroll, is a poet, so Carroll is attuned to the subtleties of language considerably more than Tom Grant would be.”

Now Rosemary Carroll did tell me she didn’t believe Kurt wrote the letter, but she added that if he did, write it, she felt he may have had some help from Courtney. So, of course, all possibilities here had to be looked at closely.

A thorough examination of this letter included handwriting analysis as well as a clear understanding of the events surrounding Cobain’s death. This eventually led to the conclusion that Kurt did write the entire letter himself. . . with the possible exception of the last line.

A logical discussion about some basic points here should dispel any further consideration that this entire letter was forged or “traced over.”

First, a forger who was smart enough to pull this off wouldn’t be stupid enough to write such a long detailed letter that says nothing about suicide! A forged letter would make it very clear that he was going to kill himself, leaving no room for speculation.

Second, a forged letter would be short, simple and to the point. He or she would want to leave behind as little handwriting evidence as possible for comparison.

Third, a forged “suicide” letter would most likely be written to his wife or daughter, not to his fans! Why would a forger add such confusion to the issue? Why would such an obviously talented and intelligent forger be so blatantly illogical?

Rosemary Carroll was simply speculating about the tracing concept. She just knew something wasn’t right and she was grasping at straws. But Rosemary Carroll had no knowledge or understanding of document examination or handwriting analysis. Neither does the above writer.

Words and sentences forged by tracing over original handwriting are extremely easy to detect, especially when the handwriting is as small as that found on the Cobain letter. Ask any handwriting expert. In fact, experiment with it yourself and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Get a friend’s handwriting, use it to trace over and forge another note, (with your friend’s permission, of course), and ask another friend to see if he or she can pick out the forgery.

I’ve worked with dozens of handwriting experts over the years. I can easily detect tracing. So could practically every one of you with just a few simple instructions. Think I’m wrong? All it takes is a little thought, a simple experiment, or a 2 minute phone call to any handwriting expert.

You must understand, I’d love to prove this letter was forged! A forged letter would go a long way in proving foul play in this case. But for the sake of truth and accuracy, a little knowledge, common sense and logic dispels the forgery theory.

The main body of this “retirement letter,” falsely labeled by the police as a “suicide note,” was indeed written by Kurt Cobain. But a careful reading of the letter along with the added knowledge of a second letter given to Courtney in which Kurt plainly stated he was leaving her and leaving Seattle, establishes the first letter was not a “suicide note.” It was simply a retirement letter, (or a draft of a retirement letter), written to Kurt’s fans. It was obtained by the killers and later used in the murder plot.

I’ve received countless letters of support from professional people including, nurses, medical doctors, police officers, psychiatrists and even district attorneys and prosecutors. While everyone’s comments and opinions are welcome, challenges to conclusions I’ve made based on the evidence I’ve personally seen and handled should really come from those with expertise in the field.

When truthful, accurate evidence is misrepresented, it damages the credibility of those who are trying to deal with the real issues of this case. Unfortunately, I can’t communicate with everyone who operates a Cobain investigation website and I can’t control what others say or believe. I only hope those who care about this case will be cautious about publicizing misinformation fed to them by amateur investigators or pranksters.

I’ve always granted permission for the accurate re-publication of any of the material or information found on the Grant Company, Cobain Murder Investigation web site. This material is not copyrighted. Although I’d like readers to understand that I can’t personally endorse any other website, for the most part, I’m appreciative and thankful that they’re there.

5. What about demonstrations and publicity stunts? Are they a good idea?

It’s not appropriate for me to get involved in demonstrations. The purpose of a demonstration is to get media attention for a particular cause. I’m afraid my personal involvement might appear unprofessional and could look like I’m just trying to bring attention to myself.

One or two people holding a sign on a street corner looks more bizarre than credible, but I do believe demonstrations can be helpful if they’re highly organized, well attended, not overly hyped, and are led by someone of sound mind and good judgment.

Regarding the person on the Internet who claims to be starting a hunger strike until his “demands” are met, (including the resignation of the President and the prosecution of Courtney Love), I’m going to choose my words carefully. I know this is a sensitive subject for a small group of sincere Cobain fans, but I know of no other way to put things in proper perspective than to say some things that may sound like a personal attack against this person. That’s something I’ve tried to avoid for quite some time, in spite of the harm he’s done to the integrity of this investigation.

Just as someone with cancer needs help from those in the medical profession, I believe this man needs serious help from those in the mental health profession. I find it necessary now to address this issue because his recent statements and irrational behavior could possibly endanger others.

Let me say first that as a Christian, I believe some people are truly used by God. I also believe there are others who attempt to use God to fulfill their own needs for public attention and power. To me, being a Christian means drawing on a biblically based knowledge of God and using the wisdom he gives us to fulfill his plan for our lives. I’m always happy to share my Christian beliefs with anyone who asks or when writing about a topic where understanding my beliefs might be crucial to the clarification of a particular issue. But the investigation into Cobain’s death will not succeed if it’s used as a platform for religious beliefs, political goals or other such distractions. After all, there’s a time and a place for everything.

Honesty is an essential ingredient of integrity. As I glanced through this man’s website, I picked up on several direct contradictions. First, he claims he’s going on a “. . . total fast (no foods or liquids of any kind, . . ” and “I will not eat again after May 7th until all demands are fully met, even if it means my death.” A few sentences later, he casually adds, “. . . I will not die of this fast, and cannot die for at least 3.5 years. ”

Then, with a mind obviously clouded by delusions of grandeur, he asserts, “I want to advise world leaders . . .”
and . . .
“Those few who are listening, who recognize the leadership I am providing . . .”
and . . .
“Woe, such horrid, horrid woe, to any nation that rejects a prophet sent in the name of Jesus Christ,” . . .
and . . .
“I know that I will co-lead the second greatest event in the history of the world.”

All this while openly describing his life of “schizophrenia, crippling fear, addiction to sex, alcohol and benzodiazapenes, major depression and insanity.”

But the part that concerns me the most is where this deeply troubled man tries to drag others into his world of delusion by asking readers to, “Leave your career and vain plans and join me in the most noble cause in history, sacrificing all for justice and truth . . .”

In recent history, such self-proclaimed “spiritual leaders” have been responsible for the loss of hundred of innocent lives. Remember Jim Jones and the suicides and murders of more than 900 of his devoted followers in Jonestown Guyana. . .

. . . or David Koresh in Wayco Texas where dozens of men, women and children put blind faith in the man who eventually led them to their deaths. . .

. . . or Heavensgate, a religious cult located in Southern California whose members committed mass suicide because their leader told them they had to die so they could be transported to another planet during the passing of a nearby comet.

As a mature, bible believing Christian, I’m praying that this man gets the psychological and medical help he needs. To the readers of his material, I must warn you to use your God given intelligence to sort through the babble and see the handwriting on the wall.

Please. . . be very, very careful where you put your trust. The last thing we need here are more young kids doing harm to themselves in order to satisfy the needs and desires of an emotionally unstable person.

The investigation into the death of Kurt Cobain should not become a debate about fringe personalities or issues unrelated to the case. Don’t allow others to detract from the facts. Stay focused on the evidence of Cobain’s murder and the need to get the case reopened. And most important, don’t be discouraged from starting, organizing and maintaining your own Cobain investigation website. Just try to make sure your information is accurate.

6. (This question is in reference to a scene from Nick Broomfield’s documentary, “Kurt and Courtney”) Danny Goldberg may be an advocate of Free Speech. Even so, don’t you think it was right for him to ‘remove’ Broomfield from the stage at the ACLU banquet? I mean you don’t just do that sort of thing, even if you are a journalist.

Wrong. You do do that sort of thing, especially if you’re a journalist!

This wasn’t just your average once a year ACLU banquet. It was a dinner held in honor of the 1st amendment; the FREE SPEECH AMENDMENT!

One of the award givers at this banquet was Courtney Love, a person who was, and still is, notorious for suppressing free speech! Where and when would be a better place and time to exercise this most valuable right? And who, other than myself or Nick Broomfield, could better expose the facade of Danny Goldberg, the hypocrisy of the ACLU and the charade of Courtney Love?

7. In your investigation you seem to rely a lot on the information provided by Kurt’s friend Dylan Carlson. Do you really think he is reliable? You said yourself that he had just injected himself with heroin prior to one of the conversations you had with him at the Lake Washington house. In “Kurt and Courtney” he also seemed to be high on some drug, making his interview very questionable.

I don’t doubt that Dylan Carlson has lied, does lie and will lie when and if it suits his purposes. But whether a person is a heroin addict, a drunk, a convict or a con-artist, there is always a purpose behind each and every lie. When an investigator is trying to determine whether or not someone’s telling the truth, purpose and motive play a major role.

My evaluation of Carlson’s honesty while I was with him was based on logic, not trust. If he had been part of the original plan to kill his best friend, he would not be telling me (and later the press), that Kurt was NOT suicidal. He would not have said to me, “I don’t know why he married her!” And, he would not have told me, in detail, about private problems between Courtney and Kurt.

If you’ll carefully read the detailed account of the time I spent with Carlson, his phone calls to Courtney during our search and my attempt to interview Carlson after Courtney talked to him privately in her bedroom, you’ll begin to see how Dylan Carlson was used by Courtney after the fact, not before.

8. If Courtney was indeed involved with Kurt’s death, why would she hire a P.I. in the first place? Wouldn’t she have realized that a P.I. would have dug deeper into the case, reaching beyond the preliminary “locate Kurt Cobain” task at hand?

I’ve answered this question on several radio shows and in a number of magazine interviews but it apparently hasn’t been addressed adequately on the investigation website.

I’ll start by saying, when Courtney hired me to find Kurt Cobain, he was missing and Courtney truly wanted him located. Note here, I said, “located.”

Courtney first told me she thought Kurt might be on a plane back east to go stay with Michael Stipe. We later learned that she actually knew Kurt had flown to Seattle and had been to their Lake Washington home on Saturday morning, April 2nd. Telephone calls to and from Cali, (Michael Dewitt), indicated he was still at the house on Saturday night. That’s when Courtney had a friend plant the phony story with the Associated Press claiming she had overdosed and was in the hospital.

Kurt’s so-called “suicide” was supposed to occur late Saturday night. The phony OD story was part of Courtney’s plan to manipulate the media with a “suicide pact” story designed to get her sympathy and attention as she took over Kurt’s well established base of millions of adoring young fans.

But something unexpected happened. Kurt left the house Saturday night and was unavailable for his appointment with “suicide.” When Courtney found out the hit wasn’t made and Kurt didn’t show up at the house on Sunday, she panicked. Then she learned, while still in Los Angeles, Kurt had purchased another airline ticket out of Seattle!

That’s when I was hired, Sunday morning, April 3rd. Kurt had to be “located” soon so the plan could be carried out before he got away and the press got wind that he wanted a divorce. Of course, I was being told he was suicidal. Courtney said she just knew “He’s going to kill himself.”

On Monday, (April 4th), after learning Kurt had been to the Lake Washington residence on Saturday morning, (April 2nd), we sub-contracted with another P.I. firm in Seattle to begin surveillance at locations where Kurt was known to hang out. But, even though it was suggested and recommended several times, Courtney did not want to do a surveillance on the Lake Washington residence. Remember now, that was the one place Kurt had actually been seen . . . and as it turned out, it was also the place he was later found dead! It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that was all about.

After Cobain’s death, I refused to talk to the press when they called my office. Courtney wanted me to do interviews with Time and Newsweek magazines. I declined. I’m sure this concerned her. Her fears were confirmed when I notified her in writing of my suspicions just 30 days later.

So I was truly hired to locate Kurt, but once he was killed, I was used and manipulated by Courtney as she continued to formulate the scheme for her inevitable “rise to fame.”

9. Kurt’s cousin Bev Cobain, who has been a registered nurse since 1976, wrote in her book that Kurt was a classic case of a person suffering from serious depression. With that in mind, are you still denying that he was suicidal?

Yes, I still deny he was suicidal, especially during those last few weeks. But that doesn’t actually matter!

The evidence in this case points to murder. Millions of people around the world get depressed and have even felt “suicidal” at one time or another. Very few, however, actually commit suicide. Does the fact that a person might feel depressed or even suicidal give someone else the right to murder them? Of course not.

As with any investigation, all information is potentially helpful in solving a case. But an investigator has to focus mostly on what’s known to be factual rather than suppositions and speculations based on hearsay and second hand information. I haven’t read Beverly’s book. In fact, I didn’t know she’d written one. But we cannot assume that a relative knows a person better than his close friends. In fact, I have cousins who wouldn’t know me if they bumped into me on the street! If your parents are from large families, you probably do too.

The relevant question here is how much contact did Beverly Cobain have with Kurt, especially during the last few weeks and days of his life? I have no doubt that Beverly is a kind, sincere, well meaning person. But most likely, what she knows about Kurt’s frame of mind is what she’s read in the press or what she’s been told by others, not what she knew from personal contact with Kurt.

The only people who knew Kurt’s frame of mind during his last days were the people around him. The only person near him who claimed he was “suicidal,” was the woman he was leaving; his materialistic and ambitious wife! All stories of Kurt Cobain’s “suicidal” frame of mind lead back to one originator, . . Courtney Love.

Kurt’s best friend–Dylan Carlson, one of Cobain’s attorneys–Rosemary Carroll, the doctor who treated him in Rome, the police officers who went to his home several weeks earlier, the doctors and patients at the rehab in Los Angeles, other musician friends who knew him and had seen him recently, the people at the airport in Los Angeles, . . everyone else, INCLUDING KURT HIMSELF, (see police report dated March 18, 1994 on page 74 of the Cobain Case Study Manual), said he was NOT suicidal!

10. What exact motive did Michael DeWitt have to want Kurt Cobain dead? He seemed to have been a friend of Kurt’s.

Michael Dewitt, (“Cali”), was a former boyfriend of Courtney’s and was jealous of Kurt. This is confirmed in a recorded conversation I have with Courtney. Cali and Kurt had an uneasy friendship, to say the least.

Even though Cali was a heroin addict, Courtney talked Kurt into letting him work for them as a nanny. Cali was one of Courtney’s puppets. She supplied him with drugs and money.

Need I say more?

11. If Kurt’s note was a retirement note, why write a note in the first place? What did you think he had planned to do; read the note to the fans in a television show or something?

Whether the Seattle letter was a “suicide note” or a “retirement letter,” anyone who reads it has to agree on one extremely important detail: This note was written to Kurt’s fans. There’s absolutely no question about that.

So the obvious answer to this particular question comes in the form of another question: If Kurt’s note was a “suicide note” why write a note to his fans instead of his wife, daughter or mother? Why would he just add a short footnote to his wife and child? And again, I have to ask the same question asked of me. “What do you think he had planned to do; read the “suicide” note to his fans on a television show or something?”

The letter found in the greenhouse makes no sense as a “suicide note.” But as a “retirement letter” he may have planned on forwarding it to a magazine like Rolling Stone or having it read on MTV. We’ll probably never know the answer to that one.

The most compelling evidence indicating this was a “retirement letter,” not a “suicide note,” is the fact that there was not just one, but actually TWO notes left by Kurt! The first letter was made public–the one to his fans explaining his decision to quit performing. The one the police labeled as a “suicide note” even though there was no mention of suicide. The second letter was the one Courtney claims to have found on the bed in the master bedroom.

The second letter was, in fact, written to Courtney. She deliberately concealed this letter from me, the police and from the media. Why conceal the second letter? BECAUSE THE SECOND LETTER CLEARLY EXPLAINED THE REAL MEANING OF THE FIRST LETTER! Kurt was quitting the music business, he wanted a divorce, he was leaving Courtney AND he was leaving Seattle. When read together, the second letter proved the first letter was not a “suicide” note!

Additional criteria used in determining this was a “retirement letter” and not a “suicide note” has been detailed in the Case Study Manual and on the investigation website at: After his death, Kurt’s blood revealed three times the lethal dose of heroin. Considering the massive dosage, if he self-injected this amount intravenously, his death would obviously be a suicide.

So is it your argument that someone else injected this into his body? Wouldn’t this be a rather awkward way of murdering someone, especially if it was followed by staging a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head? Surely there are far easier ways to kill someone – even if it had to look like a suicide.

You’re right. If he injected himself both times with the entire dosage found in his system, that would have been an obvious suicide attempt. However, with that dosage the syringe would have been found, not in a box on the floor, but still in his arm.

I’ve said this many times before, “If Kurt wanted to commit suicide by overdosing on a euphoric drug like heroin, why not just go to sleep and not wake up? Why would he blast himself in the head with a shotgun, even if he could? Why would he deliberately leave such a horrific image for his baby daughter to remember him by?”

It’s not at all uncommon for a victim to be drugged before being shot, stabbed or even burned to death. I’ve heard of and seen similar cases. So have most homicide investigators. But I still haven’t found even one investigator, police, private, forensic or otherwise, who has ever handled a suicide or homicide case where the heroin blood levels were this high and there was evidence that the victim was not immediately incapacitated! Isn’t THAT just a little strange??

The arrows of skepticism are of great value, unless you have a habit of aiming at the wrong target.

13. You wrote: “Additional information will be revealed when this case is re-opened … the proof will then be presented in a court of law … ” Could you disclose any examples of this alleged proof?

The next time you hear trial preparations for a specific case being discussed on your local news, call the police detectives or district attorney’s office and ask them this same question. You won’t get very far.

There are legitimate, strategic reasons why police don’t disclose all the specifics before a case goes to trial. This also applies to the work done by private investigators. (For more on this, refer to “Cobain Case Related Hoaxes.” The link is at the bottom of this page).

14. Do you believe your investigation will ever result in a murder trial, which would ultimately convict or acquit someone of the murder of Kurt Cobain?

Yes, but I said from the beginning that this was going to be a long, slow process. It won’t be the first time a case came to trial after several years of investigation. For further information, click on the “Similar Cases” link at the bottom of this page.

“Prominent homicide expert Vernon Geberth says that staged deaths
such as murders made to look like suicides are happening more frequently.
‘In some parts of the country it’s a license to kill. . .’ ”
The Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 11/4/94, Page A1
By Christopher Ruddy


Source for interview:

Courtney’s Attack 2005

2005 –

Courtney Love gets sued by Kristen King. It’s not hard to believe, andtends to show Courtney’s mental state. Drugs to blame? My opinion? They probably fuel an issue of violence already a part of Courtney’s psychological make up. Here’s the old article.

Courtney Love is being sued over a bottle-swinging, breast-pinching and hair-pulling attack on a sleeping woman at the home of the singer’s ex-boyfriend.

Attorney Gloria Allred announced the lawsuit immediately after a hearing in Los Angeles in which Love was sentenced to 180 days in custody for violating probation in three criminal cases. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rand Rubin allowed Love, 41, to serve her sentence in a live-in drug treatment facility rather than county jail.

Allred alleged her client, musician Kristin King, was sleeping on a couch at the home of Love’s former boyfriend and manager when she was “viciously attacked by Ms. Love” in April 2004.

The attorney said Love poured whiskey on King and the alcohol bottle struck the woman’s left cheekbone and temple. The singer allegedly then threw a lit candle at King, jumped on top of her and dug her fingernails into King’s left forearm and bicep.

Love also allegedly yanked King by the hair, backhanded her, chipping one of King’s teeth, and pinched her breast, leaving a bruise, Allred said.

“We think it is time for Ms. Love to take full financial responsibility for her assault on Ms. King,” Allred said.

Love pleaded no contest Feb. 10 to misdemeanor assault stemming from the attack on King and was sentenced to three years probation, a year of anger management and drug treatment, and 100 hours of community service.

She also was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine, undergo random drug testing and attend three Narcotics Anonymous meetings a week.

Love paid $2,705 in restitution to King, but Allred said that doesn’t fully compensate her client. The attorney declined to name the dollar amount of damages being sought.

“We recognize that Ms. Love has a serious problem with substance abuse, but that does not excuse nor does it justify an unwarranted and vicious attack on another human being,” Allred said.

“We hope that Ms. Love will get the help she needs, but we also intend to protect our client and make sure that she is fully compensated for the injuries Ms. Love inflicted on her,” the attorney said.

The suit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleges assault, battery, false imprisonment and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

ABC News affiliate KABC-TV in Los Angeles filed this report.